I was blessed to this year to work with so many amazing clients and creating so many new friendships. 2015 was a building year for this little photo business of mine, trying to figure out my style and look, and also making sure I was catering to my clients’ needs. I still haven’t blogged all the fall sessions I want to and I still have alot to learn when it comes to the business side of things, but I’m definitely ready to make that better going into 2016. This year was also very special to me personally, as it was also a year of many important births, the birth of my second daughter, along with the birth of both my niece and nephew, which made it an even more special. I look forward to sharing some changes going in 2016 with you in a blog post in January, along with some new exciting things I’ll be adding, along with an SLR basics class I’m offering January 16th. Thank you again for being along for the ride and things can only go up from here!
XOXO and Happy New Year!