Hi everyone,
As you can see I’ve been working away at updating some areas leading into this 2nd year in business here at Carole Lynn Photography. With baby#2 on the way in June, I am striving to still bring you personalized, custom sessions and get sessions booked and ready to go before and after this baby gets here. These next two months I’m focusing on working on getting organized so that everything goes nice and smooth for a session with you this year.
Some changes for the New Year:
- If you still want 2014 prices, you need to book your session by February 15.
- On March 8, prices and packages will change slightly in their offerings. There are reasons for this slight changes that will make the package offerings better and more cohesive overall. It will also make it easier for me to have more time to work on my goal of doing better custom sessions for you.
- If you’d like to book a session this year, lets get you booked ASAP. Sessions will not be officially on my calendar until a deposit is paid, as well as contracts and questionnaires are filled out. When everything is signed, sealed, and delivered, you will be good to go! I appreciate your help with this 🙂
- Availability to Date: (Contact me at carolelynnphoto@gmail.com ASAP to book your session)
- February-3 regular spots left + 2 newborn sessions left
- March- 2 regular spots left + 2 newborn sessions left
- April-2 regular spots left + 1 newborn session left
- May-3 regular spots left + 2 newborn sessions left
- June- Limited 2 sessions since I will be having my baby towards the end of June. Sessions during the month of June will only be done the first week or two. As I get closer to my due date, I want to make sure I can handle the workload and get the photos to you before the baby is born.
- July/August- Limited session dates available
- For those of you looking for fall sessions, I will start booking those sessions at the end of February/March so stay tuned as I try to work out the rest of the calendar for the year.
- Another exciting change is that in September, I will officially be photographing my first wedding! 🙂 So excited that this couple found me and that it will be a fun destination wedding. I’ve always loved weddings and am so looking forward to this exciting new challenge!
I feel like 2015 is definitely going to bring many new and exciting moments to both my clients and my family.
Thank you all for supporting me this past year and for being part of my crazy photo journey. I am looking forward to seeing both new and old faces in 2015!